Welcome Home, Baby Charlotte | Fort Lauderdale Newborn Photographer

It’s been a hectic season of life, time seems to be moving at a rapid pace, despite my desire to freeze it. But nothing makes me take a deep breath quite like a brand new baby. For me, I’m never more present in life than I am with a newborn. Soaking in those little features and moving intentionally, gently and with such reverence is one of my favorite parts of being a Fort Lauderdale newborn photographer.

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Milestone Session Photography: A Journey Through The Years

When I started my photography business, I had a vision to work with families for years. From pregnancy to growing families and mutli-generational photos, my passion for photographing memories lies in these milestone moments. In the years since starting my business, I’ve been honored to have several milestone session photography clients. I thought it would be fun, as we approach the end of the year, to go back ‘through the years for a few of these wonderful families!

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