Black and White Portrait Project
This installment in the ‘Body of Work’ Passion Project revolves around vulnerability, not to the likes of their body, but of their spirit. The goal of this installment was to capture a person in a single frame. However, through speaking with these beautiful humans, I felt like their stories’ chapters and how they evolved was sensational even in 10 minutes.
I put out a model call, the instructions were to come as yourself, wear a neutral solid color top, and be prepared to share some personal things.
I had several people apply, some no longer wishing to participate, some with scheduling conflicts, some ghosted me, and SOME showed up!!!!!
With the therapeutic assistance and interviewing by Alyssa Vee (who you may have seen on the Celestial Inspiration Shoot blog), we started with some questions to warm up the comfort level. Some surface level stuff.
This first series is called ‘ Body Language’ …. Talking about yourself can be ultra uncomfortable.
Snapped in the first few moments of sitting down, I share the story of their initial vulnerability in their body language. Despite their obvious bravery to even show up!
These images capture the essence of who I felt they were. Even if they didn’t believe they embodied it themselves.
Favorite moments (can you guess which is which? If not, hint, check Instagram!):
Quite literally pondering how she wanted to receive our question and how she would answer (due to the personal nature of this shoot, I will leave the interpretation up to you on what was asked and said).
When you ask someone what they do and why they are so passionate about it. If their eyes and smile don’t light up like this, then they are doing it wrong! OR maybe it was the squirrel that invaded the cavity in the ceiling above…. Either way 😂 we laughed!
Stoic. Solid. Firm. Dependable.
We discussed her growing up in the city and sending her kids to school in NY, what it feels like— REALLY FEELS LIKE to live, in the city, as a parent, as a woman.
I realize this project might have left some people curious and wanting to participate but having no idea what to expect… I guess that was the point… vulnerability!
If you loved this series, check out The Body Project too!
Shot only with HP5 and natural light. Scanned by Photovision